Capabilities of the Fireport Software.
Running on FreeRTOS
The software runs on FreeRTOS written by Richard Barry and others, distributed under a modified GPL license.
I2C driver
The AT91SAM7XC256 contains standard hardware for i2c bus. The microcontroller acts as master. This driver makes is possible to communicate with periphirals (such as sensors) on the bus.
Use of diet libc
Since the microcontroller does not have the power of a PC it is essential to have compact libraries. We choose for diet libc written by Felix von Leitner.
SPI driver
Installer for Windows, Linux and MAC
I/O driver (Joystick, leds)
Chess demo application
RS232/RS485 driver
Debugging over serial port
CANopen driver
Ethernet (TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP)
Driver for onboard DA converter
Driver for onboard AD converter
Webserver with CGI, GET en POST
Driver for onchip hardware AES
Logging for onboard data flash
NTP for onboard realtime clock
Suitable for AT91SAM7X-EK
Thumb, interworking and hardfloat
Source available and free
Lua script engine
Shell over serial port
Eclipse CDT environment